How we can know for sure

The imbalance of information about the costs and rewards of money; the intensely felt rewards and zero information on the environmental costs, has fooled humanity for ages. Even in our effort to stop climate change today, we aim to pay for reorganizing all our energy uses to continue the compound growth of using them that … Continue reading How we can know for sure

a leading edge of the research

Paul Maidowski @_ppmv offered to respond to some of the tough questions about Climate change. On Jan 16 I posted the following image of how climate change has only accelerated parallel to economic growth, with no recent bumps or bends in the curve, starting the short discussion below (w/ minor edits for clarity). Paul, Why … Continue reading a leading edge of the research

What A-R-E we doing?

From a natural systems science view, every culture change is a growth process. As with all growth processes, the start is small exploratory steps that if successful settle on some main direction, or directions of new development. That development then either switches to refining its internal design and maturing its environmental fit, to establish a … Continue reading What A-R-E we doing?

Why natural growth is our natural and likely only way out of our world growth crisis

_________________“Natural growth” is nature’s way of creating long-lasting new lives, of all kinds. Intro: How system responsiveness is expressed in natural growth is as anticipation of the opportunity to end growth by perfecting the emerging system. To do that, the system’s steering needs to switch from multiplying to harmonizing (i.e. maturing) its design and place … Continue reading Why natural growth is our natural and likely only way out of our world growth crisis

How our world can Escape its long DEATH SPIRAL

To make our escape there’s not just one requirement, but the main path is to join the emerging understanding that our new age of growing environmental chaos is a natural result of overextended compound economic growth. In nature, growth is a tricky two-edged sword, the greatest of gifts to begin with then the greatest of … Continue reading How our world can Escape its long DEATH SPIRAL

Transformation pathways

A. STRUGGLE AND BREAKTHROUGH After inception originates a desire, a long struggle for change follows and then a fast breakout and establishment  – To understand these best, think of examples in different circumstances from your experience, personal, business, world, or in nature.  For the transformation to an Ecological-Civilization there’s the barrier of needing to introduce … Continue reading Transformation pathways

FAIR_Money (Principles of Fiduciary Asset Investment Restraint)

A concept in development with the Sustainable Finance Blueprint” The FAIR rules act as an overflow valve, to redirect excess savings of passive financial income (normally used by investors to extract exponentially more) back to the free circulation marketplace of the pond to keep from draining the pond and guide investor self-restraint in extracting … Continue reading FAIR_Money (Principles of Fiduciary Asset Investment Restraint)

Short Bio

Jessie Lydia Henshaw  –  Natural Systems Design ScienceRNS – –  – Google Scholar Page HDS is a center for research and consulting on patterns of organization and design found in working with natural systems.  In short, it’s “systems biomimicry,” demonstrating that we can finally understand familiar complex transformations, such as life tasks of “growing up” or … Continue reading Short Bio

New Book Notice!

Guiding Patterns of Naturally Occurring Design A new window on Pattern LanguagesA new window on the working design patterns of nature. 1st Release Oct 1 from Amazon and MoreBooks Blurb: The leading sciences offer a pattern language for nature in the form of interrelated mathematical equations. Scientifically undefined natural language remains needed for referring to … Continue reading New Book Notice!

The Growing Rate of Climate Change

Showing: — A presently elevated growth rate of CO2 in the atmosphere directly linked to globalization. — And resulting likely 1.5 degree C warming by 2030, TEN years earlier than the recent IPCC estimate. — Plus a fascinating story of diagnostic data science discovery. Yes, it is a somewhat radical approach, but is fully data … Continue reading The Growing Rate of Climate Change