JLH Twitter Acct & online Archives

My Twitter account – https://twitter.com/JLydiaHenshaw

It’s been great to have this outlet for my many thoughts on how to notice what kind of change we’re in the middle of, a true “change of life” it does appear, and found that the end of compound growth for any new system is its most profound change of life. For those that survive it’s their birth, moving from growing without competition to being introduced to the world they will make a life in, caring for themselves and others. For those that don’t, it’s their time to rest, let their parts compost, be picked up by others, or become part of the mantle of the earth. A lot going on!

Recent Archives formatted as Word Tables:

2023 – Jan 21 to Mar 16 A peak time of recognizing of what’s happening.

New systems science, how to care for natural uncontrolled systems in context