Tag Archives: public policy

What Cult Are You??

I’m a systems scientist who’s studied all kinds of natural emergent system designs and transformations. People used to know more about them in most cases, back when language primarily referred to the meanings of systems in context. So that’s a telling division between cultures from the most ancient times, and full of great stories.

Easy self-link to this report:

With national cults, as with smaller ones, their devotion to a false reality is both their greatest power and greatest failing, generally getting them in trouble. However, as with paradigm shifts in science, sometimes it’s the societal standard worldview that is so mistaken and getting its world in trouble, like the infinite growth “cult” of modern capital accumulation. So… it can be complicated.

I think the desperation from which today’s Christian nationalism culture became a real cult of false realities really first came from the natural growing frustrations of living in an endlessly self-disruptive economic system. I wish people noticed such things. It would help help people see the common needs we all have.

What concentrates the self-deceptions and frustrations that seem at the heart of cults (notice “cult” is the first syllable of “culture”) seems to be the seemingly inescapable feedback of animosities that drive their growth and misguided conspiracies. Even those can expose very useful new insights to open minds, like how it is that the leaders focus a lot on escalating the culture’s animosities to earn adherence to their leadership.

Endless reinforcing feedback (of animosities or anything else) invariably destabilizes itself, of course. There may often also be a chance to change direction as the limit of the escalation’s stability and as to wavers allowing de-escalation to begin. That may be to offer opportunities for enough people to escape the approaching collapse on their own to isolate the hardheads. Except for criminals, it would be the wrong move to punish them (rewarding their animosities). Separating them for their protection could be aimed clearly enough to help them on their own or for others to help them calm down.

So, to activate that, one first needs to think of familiar situations where bubbles of animosity have deflated. There is a great variety, most of which might contain lessons on how to deflate threatening cults like the one we face today. No promises at all, of course, and taking all necessary precautions, as the cult’s design for feeding its growth on animosities may be deeply embedded. There would always be some within it capable of being relieved of its compulsions, though.

Today, we also need to factor in that the humans on earth have what you’d call much bigger fish to fry than straightening out what amounts to contagions of family bickering writ large. We have a collective war with nature to recognize and undo as fast as we can, too. Still, learning from one can help one find healing responses to the other; using humor, offering real friendship, and being responsible in not taking the bait are among the basics. Both kinds of aggressive cults are dangerous because they are quite unaware of their devotion to false realities.

I’ve also studied how people once created languages well insulated from growing little cancers of false realities, apparently around 60,000 years ago, as the foundations of useful language were secured, simply by what I’ve called “the genome of language.” That’s the highly informative key role of words for connecting our minds to nature, serving as culturally shared references to commonly observable things and patterns in nature attached to communicable impressions of them and their meanings to us.

If you understand that as becoming a global self-validating process of securing our mind’s understandings of nature by cross talk and mutual adaptation to settle on meanings and uses that last, you could recognize that pattern as a kind of AI training (aggregated intelligence) for human minds based on rich exposure to what makes sense in natural systems, environments, and human cultures, not hearsay, as computer AI does. So, it seems fair to say that IC-AI (in context aggregated intelligence) is the kind we need to recover from the larger cult of ever-escalating power over nature that is our greatest imminent threat today.

II. My short reports to two great institutions with some responsibility for responding to our current grand cultural misunderstandings of life.

A. Intro to the curves.

This pair of graphs shows word frequencies found by Google in its scans of books in English language libraries. I selected the particular terms to show the coupled trends found during my regular habit of looking for the patterns of system transformations to study, noticing these for the recognizable, unique signature of all the curves being connected with emerging phenomena.

The main evidence of the curves displaying the emergence of the Christian nationalism cult is the regular, long-term, proportional relations between these word use frequency curves, moving together, and in the light of recent events becoming clearly associated with the cult’s national take-over attempt, now regularly discussed as a concrete plan.

The curves move together, growing exponentially, displaying the same signature shapes, seeming associated with the cult’s imagined victimization and growing frustrations with life in a free world, clearly responding as a whole to presidential politics associated with Trump’s emergence as a candidate. Do study the patterns and parts, find your own questions, and draw your own conclusions.

There is hope that we’ll notice that the eruption was partly energized by mutually reinforcing social/political retaliation attacks that blew up largely to profit the organizers, taking advantage of freighting ing their followers… Ohy! We are human, and it comes with some unneeded baggage that will take a lot of care to heal.

1. The cult’s top apparent terms of motivation- (case insensitive)
“right” add “love”

2. The cult’s “body” of frustration terms – (case insensitive)
“pain” “fear” “Christian” “trouble” “anxiety” and “hate”

Key: the curves are connected to the text usage of the terms, partly shown at the bottom of the images, where the links to the related uses of the terms can be found. See the Google Books Ngram for access: https://books.google.com/ngrams/graph?content=pain%2Cfear%2Cchristian%2Ctrouble%2Canxiety%2Chate&year_start=1970&year_end=2019&case_insensitive=true&corpus=en&smoothing=0


B. Reports to responsible authorities

1) Report to The Executive Office of the American Psychological Association (APA)

I’m an accomplished senior natural systems scientist asking that you give appropriate attention to how the republican party was largely taken over by an aggressive cult’s false reality, formed in ~1975. 

I’ve been studying its the very strange word use pattern for a number of years, as a clear evidence of an emerging culture language. I somehow didn’t connect the dots pointing to it becoming an immanent national and world threat till I sathe exuberance around its government takeover plans, like the world’s rather nutty richest man jumping fanatically in celebration of the moment now at hand.

It’s not that such national security threats are likely to succeed, but our most likely responses being exactly the wrong ones. I certainly would defer to authoritative APA initiatives, but I think prompt, calm, and caring response is needed.

Here’s the image of the cult’s regular word use frequencies. I used Google’s amazingly useful Ngram tool, here for English word use frequencies over time from 1960 to 2019. I don’t know when it will be updated. The indicators of it representing a cult is the fixed proportionality of its key word frequencies, indicating a natural system design working as a whole, like an organism.

The two graphs trace the word use frequency for the same words at different scales, so their signature shapes can be seen as all connected.

2) Report to the US Dept of Justice – DOJ

I’ve been studying the emerging Christian nationalism cult and its now open intention to change our government for it’s own use, with the help of America’s strangest public servant ever, former president Trump.  WATCH OUT

You must now see the parallels with other very large, furious, and aggressive cults interfering in societies with wall to wall crazy conspiratorial campaigns, aided  by charismatic leaders repainting reality and skillfully name calling, openly campaigning on defrauding the public by exploiting their genuine frustrations. 

Added evidence of this large insular culture experiencing a false reality in our midst is the dramatic way its word uses have changed English. The curves show the cult started to grow exponentially in ~1975. I’ve posted the graph on Twitter a few times today, alerting others. The severity of the likely threat and similarity to the threat Germany faced from another such cult is what’s shocking. 

The graph showing the rapid growth and coupling of the cult’s popular love/hate terms is on my public Twitter account, near the top. —  https://x.com/JLydiaHenshaw — It’s the Google Ngram plot the selected word frequencies,  all having the same signature shape and fluctuations aligned with presidential politics, it seems. 

Of course the shocking thing about humanity is that we are apparently all prone to mass self-deception of such a grand scale. So though interrupting its hate-spreading centers seems likely to be needed, those captured by it are victims to be cared for, as neighbor helping neighbor in need, and no one but the those exploiting the disturbed thinking should be seen at fault.

Thanks , I hope this helps you set up the the right teams. In my view the issue MUST be presented quietly as soon as possible, that may delay certification of the election to avoid trouble. We need to take care.



Earth Day – And Where We Are

Response to Fast-Growing World Confusion & Conflict
Earth Day Apr 22, 2023 – LinkedIn – Please repost if it needs to be said

In the past, we thought we could overlook the mysterious growing variety of world crises. They grew in scale as we developed, seemingly better able to overcome them. However, none continued for as long or expanded as rapidly as the one racing ahead of us today!

Keynes solidly predicted it, as have many others, but others didn’t believe it. I’ve also closely studied its physics and emerging self-organization for four decades in detail and general pattern. I had the tools and saw the very leading edge. Then I saw how growth systems multiply their scale and complexity, approaching explosive rates of change in how fast they expand, reorganize, and require their parts to adapt and reorganize their relationships. That’s the killer; what many of us now feel happening.

It comes directly from our very most immature of all possible economic plans, endless exploding unsustainable growth. Compound growth is a fast, quick start to a new life, a *pre-birth* process of not fully formed designs. We can see and feel the strains of its rising peak of internal and external pressures everywhere around us. That it’s happening to all of us at once is “the signal” that things can and must change.

Usually, self-animating growth systems in nature gracefully resolve the crises that force them to respond to change or to fail. They change what motivates them, their “purpose,” from multiplying designs to steering them toward or away from what they’re running into. It’s a sound, tried, and true strategy, if a bit counterintuitive for new lives that have only followed a fixed rule for so long.

The civilizations most successful at growing their power seem all to have succumbed to it, though. People easily become socially fixated on endlessly multiplying the power of their profitable concepts. It’s cutting that “umbilical cord” attaching us to the false hope of limitless growth that could convince us now that responding to life is our world’s best chance at life. We need to “appreciate the signal,” though.

WE SEE THE MAJOR RISING THREATS ALL OVER THE PLANET TODAY. That’s our signal. It’s to “back off, look out, and take care,” the most fundamental rule of STEERING. To survive, all new systems need to learn how to steer. All systems that survive growth are examples of the range of strategies that work.

It’s risky, like life, but even if the world has a bad slump, perhaps as inexperienced pilots make mistakes, the world getting the signal would largely assure keeping our world cultures intact. Going through a “Tower of Bable” or “dark age” type collapse would not. We would need a kind global “Marshall Plan” to help the world’s talents for organizing things, keep those talents, and put them to work on a new plan, caring for each other and making things work for and all around our fabulous new world.


JLH – The world is on the move, but following the rule of growth that got us here, now causing crises, is not the path to our future. As all new life must,
it’s time to back away from the edge and learn to steer.

How our world can Escape its long DEATH SPIRAL

To make our escape there’s not just one requirement, but the main path is to join the emerging understanding that our new age of growing environmental chaos is a natural result of overextended compound economic growth. In nature, growth is a tricky two-edged sword, the greatest of gifts to begin with then the greatest of threats if not converted to things more lasting (1).

Living systems invariably begin with a period of multiplying the parts that capture more resources than they use. Starting things with an explosion of new life is part of nature’s beautiful complex process, so we should be glad for it, but only to a point. The catch is that for our world to survive its period of rapid growth we need its growth to climax in time. Otherwise, growth will generate huge surpluses of false profits as it undermines its own foundations and spreads chaos throughout its environment.

We see that in every corner of the world today, enormous creativity going into generating false surpluses disrupting the environments the economy is supposed to serve, but now attacks instead, spreading chaos rather than healing. For example, COVID seems to be causing chaos around the world, a natural virus not immediately our fault. However the chaos is enabled by our extreme overpopulation, our strings of inadequate responses, growing mistrust, and belief in conspiracy theories, led by magical thinking that the earth can be profitably exploited to infinity, Our world consensus plan is actually TO MAXIMIZE OUR RATE OF GROWING EXPLOITATION OF THE EARTH AND HUMANITY FOREVER, as if we didn’t see what that does. All those compounding factors generate more virus variants and more chaos. Lookout. Here it comes.

So what we need to do is “get the big picture” and start using our collective profits for better purposes than terrorizing our home planet. The best way forward is to use your own life as leverage for guiding your world. There are lots of good things to do and lots of better business models too, though almost no one seems to understand the right way to address their global impacts.

OUR TRUE SHARE OF RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE ENVIRONMENTAL CHAOS WE ARE CAUSING COLLECTIVELY IS EQUAL TO OUR SHARE OF THE ECONOMY. In a global economy, one’s share of the economy’s impacts is also what we pay for. For example, a business pays for every impact of its entire supply chain. That is by requesting, paying for it and profiting from it. Yes, it is a shared responsibility with its supply chain, of course, not exclusive, and a business has no direct control over much of what its supply chain does too. However, the impacts would not occur if they were not paid for too. So the UNIVERSAL RULE OF THUMB IS TO TAKE RESPONSIBILITY, IN PROPORTION TO YOUR SHARE OF THE PROBLEMS THE WHOLE ECONOMY CAUSES, BY USING YOUR LIFE AS LEVERAGE TO CARE FOR AND STEER OUR WORLD TO SAFETY.

I made a very well-received talk on the subject, called “Understanding Nature’s Purpose in Starting all New Lives with Compound Growth.” That was on 11 July 21 to the International Society of Systems Sciences (ISSS) meeting, in the Special Track on “Future Society”. It was a wonderful group of a dozen presentations, all focusing on the heart of our global problem. As systems science, each is a bit difficult, but the consensus was that each one was also converging on much the same great truth, that like all great truths, could potentially set us free. I’m not sure when the others will be posted, but my talk is on YouTube and it and the paper are linked from my one-page Abstract for the paper.

Let’s clean up our act and get going. We have lots to do. It’s not a straight path but once you get your sense of direction it will be extremely satisfying.


1) Understanding Nature’s Purpose in Starting all New Lives with Compound Growth; Well received systems ecology research for ISSS 2021