Research & Publication  - Jessie Lydia Henshaw

Research site:
Reading Nature's Signals

For: research letters, links & discussion
of the foundations of the physics of natural systems

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Services: Teaching, Speaking, Consulting, Policy
- Reading & Responding to Natural Systems

-         General Research Methods for Studying Systems in Context

Short Bio, CV, Resume
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Jessie Lydia Henshaw publications of interest – Prior to 2011 for P. Henshaw]


Key Research Topics: Papers, Studies, Articles, Reports

Major New Work

2024 06.24 Henshaw, J. L. – Pathways to Systems Change; and the use of one’s podium. A draft report

2024 06.11 Henshaw, J. L. – A People’s Systems Science - GST/n - Weaving contextual systems. Telling them apart, Aligning their parts. ISSS Proceedings. Abstract, Slides.

2023 10 Henshaw, J. L. – Emergent Growth of System Self-Organization & Self-Control: Contextual system design, steering, and transformation. (Author copy) Systems Research and Behavioral Science. Cornell physics preprint archive:

2022 07 Henshaw, J. L. – Holistic Natural Systems - Design & Steering: Guiding New Science for Transformation. accepted for: Journal of the International Society for the Systems Sciences July 2022. For presentation Jul 9

2021 10 Henshaw, J. L. – Understanding Nature’s Purpose in Starting all New Lives with Compound Growth: New Science for Individual Systems Journal of the International Society for the Systems Sciences July 2021. + Supplemental Topics, Jul 11 Slide Set, and Oct 2 Slide Set with Videos of Jul 11 Talk, and Oct 2 Talk

Pattern Language/deep-ecology

2020 Henshaw, J. L. – An Ecological Economics of Growth: Learning from nature when to turn. Preprint

2019 Henshaw, J. L. – Growth Constant Fingerprints of Economically Driven Climate Change (Preprint) plus Slides and Supplemental

2019-1 Guiding patterns of naturally occurring design: A general pattern-language approach to understanding nature; Elements and Mining Living Quality. Scholars' Press. ISBN 978-613-8-83895-1. see also new book announcement

2018 Henshaw, J. L. – Systems-thinking for Systems-making: Joining systems thought and action. in Systemic Practice and Action Research, 32(1), 63-91, DOI: 10.1007/s11213-018-9450-2, Author's PDF

2015 Henshaw, J. L. – Guiding Patterns of Naturally Occurring Design, Mining Living Quality, PLoP 2015 proceedings. Oct 22-25 Pittsburgh. ISBN: 978-1-941652-03-9 2019 Edit PDF, Reference Directory

2015 Henshaw, J. L. – Guiding Patterns of Naturally Occurring Design: Elements. PURPLSOC 2015 proceedings, July 3-5 2015 Krems, Austria. ISBN 9-646-73066; online 2019 Edit PDF, Reference Directory

2014 Henshaw, J. L. – An Unhidden Pattern of Events. Reprinted by H Finidori from 1979 J.L. Henshaw book of collected papers and essays.

2008 Henshaw, P. – Life’s Hidden Resources for Learning, Cosmos & History: The Journal of Natural and Social Philosophy, vol. 4, nos. 1-2, 2008, 2008 issue on "What is Life"

1985 Henshaw, P. – Directed Opportunity, Directed Impetus: New tools for investigating autonomous causation, Society for General Systems Research, Louisville KY

Natural Systems Physics:

2019 Henshaw, J. L. – Growth Constant Fingerprints of Economically Driven Climate Change: From 1780 origin to post-WWII great acceleration.
2nd submission preprint. arXive Preprint

2011 Henshaw, P. – King, C. & Zarnikau, J., System Energy Assessment (SEA) Sustainability 2011, 3(10), 1908-1943; doi:10.3390/su3101908 (author's PDF) Attention Score

2010 Henshaw, J. L. – The Energy Physics of Continuity in Change - pending resubmission

2010 Henshaw, P. – Models Learning Change The Journal of Natural and Social Philosophy, vol. 6, no. 1, 2010 ISSN 1832-9101

2007 Henshaw, P. – Flowing processes in a punctuated species change, G. pleisotumida to G. tumida, displaying feedback driven evolution, Abstract & Intro - pending resubmission

1999 Henshaw, P. – Features of derivative continuity in shape, International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence and Artificial Intelligence., 13, 1181 (1999). DOI: 10.1142/S0218001499000677 (author's PDF)

1985 Henshaw, P. – Unconditional Positive feedback in the economic system, proceedings, Society for General Systems Research, Louisville KY


Reports to UN bodies - Measuring properties of natural systems, Describing Mathematical methods for identifying natural organization of economic and cultural systems for learning how to work with nature.

2018 Henshaw, J. L. – Culture, Finance-for-Development & tPPP’s regenerative development practices, invited civil society comment for 2018 Finance for Development meetings

2014 Henshaw, J. L. – A World SDG – global accounting of responsibilities for economic impacts,
invited civil society outreach - for UN OWG and UN NGO Major Groups

2014 Henshaw, J. L. – Big Data and the right to human understanding, Invited civil society outreach for UN Independent Expert Advisory Group (IEAG) on the Data Revolution

2014 Henshaw, J. L. – Easy Intro, “scope 4″ use & interpretation  and… Why all the tiers??
- comments as Technical Working Group member for UNEP FI / WRI Financial Sector Guidance on CO2 Accounting and Risks

2013 Henshaw, J. L. – New Institutions For A Global Commons. Commons Action for the UN (CAUN), for UN Post 2015-Consultation on Environmental Sustainability


Chronological List - Research Papers, Articles & Reports

·         2024 06.24 Henshaw, J. L. – Pathways to Systems Change; and the use of one’s podium. A draft report

·         2024 06.11 Henshaw, J. L. – A People’s Systems Science - GST/n - Weaving contextual systems. Telling them apart, Aligning their parts. ISSS Proceedings. Abstract, Slides.

·         2023 10 Henshaw, J. L. – Emergent Growth of System Self-Organization & Self-Control: Contextual system design, steering, and transformation. (Author copy) Systems Research and Behavioral Science. Cornell physics preprint archive:

·         2022 Henshaw, J. L. – Holistic Natural Systems - Design & Steering: Guiding New Science for Transformation. accepted for: Journal of the International Society for the Systems Sciences July 2022. For presentation Jul 9

·          2021 Henshaw, J. L. – Understanding Nature’s Purpose in Starting all New Lives with Compound Growth: New Science for Individual Systems (for ISSS 2021). MS review draft, Supplemental Topics., Talk - Slide Set

·         2020-1 Henshaw, J. L. – An Ecological Economics of Growth: Learning from nature when to turn. Jun 2020 Review draft

·         2019-2 Henshaw, J. L. – Growth Constant Fingerprints of Economically Driven Climate Change: From 1780 origin to post-WWII great acceleration. 2nd submission preprint.

·         2019-1 Henshaw, J. L. – Guiding patterns of naturally occurring design: A general pattern-language approach to understanding nature; Elements and Mining Living Quality. Scholars' Press. ISBN 978-613-8-83895-1.

·         2018-2 Henshaw, J. L. – Culture, Finance-for-Development & tPPP’s regenerative development practices, invited civil society comment for 2018 Finance for Development meetings

·         2018-1 Henshaw, J. L. – Systems-thinking for Systems-making: Joining systems thought and action. in Systemic Practice and Action Research, DOI: 10.1007/s11213-018-9450-2, Author's PDF [not for general circulation till Apr 2019]

·         2015-2 Henshaw, J. L. – Guiding Patterns of Naturally Occurring Design, Mining Living Quality, PLoP 2015 proceedings. Oct 22-25 Pittsburgh. online Reference Directory (11/25 meeting draft):

·         2015-1 Henshaw, J. L. – Guiding Patterns of Naturally Occurring Design: Elements. PURPLSOC 2015 proceedings, July 3-5 2015 Krems, Austria; online Pub final, Reference Directory - ( 7/5 meeting draft)

·         2014-3 Henshaw, J. L. – ‘Big Data’ and the right to human understanding, for UN Independent Expert Advisory Group (IEAG) on the Data Revolution {invited civil society outreach}

·         2014-2 Henshaw, J. L. – What’s “Scope 4″, and… Why all the tiers?? for UNEP FI / WRI working group on Financial Sector Guidance on GHG Accounting and GHG Risk Management. {technical working group member}

·         2014-1 Henshaw J. L. – A World SDG – global accounting of responsibilities for economic impacts, for UN OWG and UN NGO Major Group {invited civil society outreach}

·         2013-1 Henshaw, J. L. – New Institutions For A Global Commons. Commons Action for the UN (CAUN), for UN Post 2015-Consultation on Environmental Sustainability

·         2012-1 Henshaw, J.L. – Shining Light on “Dark Energy": Measuring the total impacts of Business”- First published In "SB New Metrics of Sustainability", on SEA method implications

·         2011-3 Henshaw, J.L. – A decisive moment for Investing in Sustainability as we hit the resource limits of the earth, Apr New European Economy

·         2011-2 Henshaw, J.L. – The curious use of Stimulus for Constraint - promoting growth to prevent resource depletion - in revisions for pending issue of E:CO

·         2011-1 Henshaw, J.L. – System Energy Assessment (SEA), Defining EROI for Energy Businesses as Whole Systems, in Special Issue of Sustainability (MDPI) on EROI; - Local PDF Discussions Slides; pre-publication copy at arXiv physics arXiv:1104.3570v1  Attention Score

·         2010-4 Henshaw, J.L. – The Energy Physics of Continuity in Change - self-published, accumulated notes and 1995 theorem on why divergent & convergent organization are required for continuity in change.

·         2010-3 Henshaw, P. – Models Learning Change - physics for adapting theory to changing realities of complex systems - for Cosmos & History pdf copy

·         2010-2 Henshaw, P. – EROI for Wind farms - whole system 'Bottom-up' and 'Top-down' Accounting methods - for ASME-ES

·         2010-1 Henshaw, P. – "Complex Systems" History of the Sciences & Open Issues, author's pdf [Encyclopedia of the Earth journal site]

·         2009-2 Henshaw, P. – Why Efficiency Multiplies Consumption - presented for BioPhysical Economics Oct 2009

·         2009-1 Henshaw, P. – TEA - Total Environmental Assessment - prepared for ACLCA Oct 2009 PowerPoint

·         2008-2 Henshaw, P. – Life’s Hidden Resources for Learning, Cosmos & History Nov 2008 issue on "What is Life"

·         2008-1 Henshaw, P. – The General Law of Emergence and Continuity in Change - unifying the conservation laws, to find the place of complex systems - draft paper

·         2007-1 Henshaw, P. – Flowing processes in a punctuated species change, G. pleisotumida to G. tumida, displaying feedback driven evolution, Abstract & Intro - draft for journal 12! so far -

·         2000-1 Henshaw, P. – Features of derivative continuity in shape, in Invariants for Pattern Recognition and Classification, World Scientific, 2000, Chapter 6

·         1999-1 Henshaw, P. – Features of derivative continuity in shape, International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence (IJPRAI link to article), for a special issue on invariants in pattern recognition, V13 No 8 1999 1181-1199

·         1995-1 Henshaw, P. – Reconstructing the Physical Continuity of Events, deriving the continuity of change from conservation laws

·         1985-2 Henshaw, P. – Unconditional Positive feedback in the economic system, Proceedings, Society for General Systems Research, Louisville KY

·         1985-1 Henshaw, P. – Directed Opportunity, Directed Impetus: New tools for investigating autonomous causation, Proceedings, Society for General Systems Research, Louisville KY

·         1983-1 Henshaw, P. – General Allocation Theory, a model of where all money goes.(2.3 meg scan)

·         1979-5 Henshaw, P. – An Unhidden Pattern of Events - Essays: Front Covers & Table of Contents, Foreword, An Unhidden Pattern of Events, Two Magical Farmers, Taking hold of Things to Come, An Appropriate Approach for Appropriate Technology, What Makes a Net Working, On Finding the Knack, The Infinite Society - growth induced collapse, - Natural Building Climate Research: W.I.S.P., Multi-Climate Building, Stage Sets for Personal Climate, Sneaky Invisible Things, Natural Orders of Convection, Building Climate Pathways, House Stories I, BackCover-Wild Garden of the Mind

·         1979-4 Henshaw, P. – Double Shell Building. Rain Magazine V6 No1 Oct 1979, Portland

·         1979-3 Henshaw, P. – Observing Convection for Natural Climate Design. Rain Magazine V5 No7 May 1979, Portland

·         1979-2 Henshaw, P. – Sneaky Invisible Things, Air Currents of Classic Passive Solar Homes, Rain Magazine V5 No6 Apr 1979, Portland; PDF

·         1979-1 Henshaw, P. – Building Climate Pathways, for Int'l Soc. for Solar Energy Research

·         1978-1, Henshaw, P. – Natural Orders in Convection, for Int'l Soc. for Solar Energy Research; online notes

·         1977-1 Henshaw, P.House Stories - Field study, Daily evolution of micro-climates inside homes; online notes

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